
Hi! My name is Camille and I am a trained Co-active coach, specialised in coaching early-stage founders and entrepreneurs, and workshop facilitation.

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Being an entrepreneur is not straightforward and comes with the highest of emotional peaks, followed by troughs the depth of the Mariana Trench (sometimes both in one day).The hours are long and the drive, passion, and self belief are essential. As you grow, new stressors and responsibilities accumulate: you’ve got investors, a growing team… And although this is exhilarating, it can also wear you down, which is why taking care of your mental health, knowing more about yourself, your triggers, drivers and motivations is so key.

So what is coaching and how can it help?

In coaching, you as the coachee can bring any facet of your life or work that you would like to look at, eg: feeling stuck, feeling stressed or scared, feeling lost or demotivated. Together we explore and support you to create new tools, approaches to be with or grow in relation to these situations.

I support founders and entrepreneurs to:

Coaching is based on the neuroscience concept of Neuroplasticity. Our brains are capable of change throughout our life and coaching can help you change old patterns of thought and behaviour that you no longer find helpful.

Note: Coaching is different from therapy, where therapy is usually about retrospective exploration of your life, whereas coaching is more about looking forward and growing towards these objectives.

If you think you might need therapy rather than coaching you can explore **this page** from the charity Mind to get more support.